1. Solved: Convert String to Integer - Splunk Community
Mar 19, 2014 · Solved: I have extracted a value out of expression but seems like it is still treated as String not integer and i cant do any math on it.
I have extracted a value out of expression but seems like it is still treated as String not integer and i cant do any math on it. For example before applying extraction the variable was : "0.05 %" - i extracted it to 0.05 but when i do any math on it it comes with blank value - as if splunk is not c...
2. Convert a string into a number - Splunk Community
Sep 19, 2013 · I extracted some values into a field using the field extractor and now I need to convert it into a number to use sum() and avg().
I extracted some values into a field using the field extractor and now I need to convert it into a number to use sum() and avg(). It seems that this field's values is being recognized by Splunk as a string. I saw on the online docs the convert() function, but, not sure how to use it. Could you help?...
3. Conversion functions - Splunk Documentation
, ) · tojson( ) The following list contains the functions that you can use to mask IP addresses and convert numbers to strings and strings to numbers.
4. Splunk Convert String To Number - MindMajix Community
We can convert a string to an integer by using the following command. Eval Myint = tonumber(mystring). If you are looking for the Splunk certification ...
How to convert a string to integer in Splunk?
5. Solved: Not able to convert field from string to number - Splunk Community
Mar 25, 2020 · I have to convert Size values from kb into mb for this I need to change them from string to number.
The below is my query to extact fields from screenshot attached. index=***** host=***** source=****** | rex field=_raw max_match=0 "(?[a-z]+),(?\w+\-?\d?.*)\,(?\d?.*)" Now I want to convert Size field from string to numeric as have to perform various statistical operations. I used tonumber, conver...
6. Re: Converting a field from a string to a number - Splunk Community
Jul 15, 2021 · I would like you to try with eventstats command, using this search you will have sum of events by source and custom_field. | eventstats sum( ...
After your initial search,| tstats count as events where index=wineventlog sourcetype=* by _time host custom_field source | search custom_field=unit1 OR custom_field=unit_2 OR custom_field=unit_3 I would like you to try with eventstats command, using this search you will have sum of events by s...
7. Addtotals / Convert String To Number - Splunk Community
Hi, in my event the field Amount can appear several times. The value is an amount of products. Sometimes Splunk identifies field Amount as a string,
Hi, in my event the field Amount can appear several times. The value is an amount of products. Sometimes Splunk identifies field Amount as a string, but it should always be a number. In the end, I want to create a new field that shows the total Amount for each event: | addtotals fieldname=totalamoun...
8. Why am I unable to convert a string to numeric? - Splunk Community
Solved: I am trying to convert a string to numeric but it is not getting converted. index="dnr_ecc" jobname="*IC*HV_TREX" | eval.
I am trying to convert a string to numeric but it is not getting converted. index="dnr_ecc" jobname="*IC*HV_TREX" | eval runtime = tonumber(total_run_time) | table jobname total_run_time runtime Runtime field is displaying as blank. I need this to covert to numeric so I can use the sum functional to...
9. Convert string to number and compare - Splunk Community
Oct 23, 2017 · @Rialf1959, I have updated my answer based on this sample data. However, it is confusing with this data as to why you had multi value field ...
Hello, why this is not working ? | gentimes start=-1 | eval WithUnit="0/1 2/2 3/8 0/0 5/5" | makemv WithUnit | table WithUnit | mvexpand WithUnit | rex field=WithUnit "(?
\d+)\/(? \d+)" | where ReplicasA > 0 I even tryied this: | gentimes start=-1 | eval WithUnit="0/1 2/2 3/8 0/...
10. Convert a string with percentage sign to a number so it can be evaluated?
Oct 5, 2017 · Solved: Hello, I have this query to alert me when percentage_q_full reaches greater than certain number eval alert=case((PERCENT_Q_FULL>90),
Hello, I have this query to alert me when percentage_q_full reaches greater than certain number eval alert=case((PERCENT_Q_FULL>90), "Critical", (PERCENT_Q_FULL>80), "Warning", true(), "N/A") but all the column values of alert shows as N/A because PERCENT_Q_FULL has values in percentage. These value...
11. Solved: How can I convert a text string to a number? - Splunk Community
May 25, 2018 · Solved: I have a field that contains a text string representing time ("900 ms" for example - all values are in milliseconds) is there a way.
I have a field that contains a text string representing time ("900 ms" for example - all values are in milliseconds) is there a way to extract a number, so i can find values "greater than" or "smaller than"?
12. Solved: How to convert this string to a numeric value? - Splunk Community
Jul 14, 2016 · Solved: I've created a new field, however, it's appearing as a string instead of a value. I've used the regular expression to extract.
See AlsoCrys_17I've created a new field, however, it's appearing as a string instead of a value. I've used the regular expression to extract from the following data: (?=[^T]*(?:Transfer complete.|T.*Transfer complete.))^[^\.\n]*\.\s+(?P\d+,\d+) Transfer complete. 1,011 bytes transferred Therefore building a result...
13. Conversion functions - Splunk Documentation
The following example converts the string values for the store_sales field to numbers. ... The following example takes the hexadecimal number and uses a
of ... The following list contains the functions that you can use to mask IP addresses and convert numbers to strings and strings to numbers.
14. Solved: How to convert a substring to a numeric value and
The field I have is a longer string and what I am looking for is a sub-string. ... Splunk, Splunk>, Turn Data Into Doing, Data-to-Everything, and D2E are ...
In this scenario, I have the following log "response time 34 ms". I want to extract just the number, 34, and evaluate if it is greater than 30. How could I go about doing this?
15. How to convert a number to String? - Splunk Community
Dec 23, 2018 · eval num_field = tostring(num_field)|stats num_field by Field. ... Error in 'stats' command: The argument 'Field' is invalid.
Can somebody please help me in converting a number back to string?
16. How do I edit my search to convert a string to a n... - Splunk Community
... strings. My event example is attached. I tried to convert string to numbers, but didn't succeed. sourcetype=DCM_MEAS_XML | rename Measurement.lcp0_shp as ...
Hi! I'm indexing XML data containing free memory values and get a nice stats table, but not be able to show that as a graph because Splunk interprets memory values as strings. My event example is attached. I tried to convert string to numbers, but didn't succeed. sourcetype=DCM_MEAS_XML | rename Mea...
17. Using the convert Command - Kinney Group
Feb 14, 2024 · These conversions involve operations like changing strings to numeric values, changing time format, and improving the usability or readability ...
Learn how to use the convert command in Splunk to enhance data for analysis and reporting. Unlock the full potential of your Splunk searches.
18. convert - Splunk Documentation
Convert the values in the duration field, which contain numeric and string values, to numeric values by removing the string portion of the values. For example, ...
The convert command converts field values in your search results into numerical values. Unless you use the AS clause, the original values are replaced by the new values.
19. How to edit my search to format String to Number w... - Splunk Community
Apr 24, 2017 · BASE can be 2 to 36, and defaults to 10. If the tonumber function cannot parse a field value to a number, for example if the value contains a ...
Hey guys Is there a quick way to format data? I want to format data like this
|fieldformat test1a=tonumber(test1a) It works but I have more than 60 columns to do so I try this |fieldformat test*a=tonumber(test*a) it's not any change to data column have test1a test2a test3a test4a ....
20. A Beginner's Guide to Regular Expressions in Splunk - Kinney Group
Apr 19, 2024 · Using the rex command to extract more unique fields for each occurrence of a phone number allows for more complex search queries to show ...
This beginner's guide to Splunk regex explains how to search text to find pattern matches in your data. Regex is a data filtering tool.
21. Solved: Convert categorical string to number - Splunk Community
Jun 21, 2016 · Convert categorical string to number ... Where user and favorite_fruit are known at index-time, and fruit_number is calculated at search-time. The ...
I have a field in my events that is a string (but does not translate to a number directly) Is there a way to convert this string to an integer consistently (value does not matter), such as using a hash function? The functions available, such as md5 convert strings to strings, but is there a way to c...
22. Solved: Convert string to decimal number - Splunk Community
May 8, 2013 · Use your browser's search feature to look for either "International" or "charset" to jump right to the info that explains how this works. *** ...
Hello, i have a field extraction where i have values who are like 21,3 splunk recognizes them as string. but that are temprature data and i like to have tham as decimal numbers so i fan calculate avarage, lines etc. how can i convert them? thanks