Volume 7 Issue 50 - Flip eBook Pages 1-8 (2025)

5690 Transit Rd. Lockport, NY 14094 716-433-2626 OPEN Mon-Sat 7am-9pm Sunday 7am-2pm Come Enjoy Family Dining At Its Finest! 5690 Transit Rd. Lockport, NY 14094 Here at Kalamata we off er a large selection of Greek and American dishes, served up in a friendly family atmosphere. We off er Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all day long, including a children’s section to satisfy even our litt lest customers. We feature Daily Homemade Specials that are sure to keep you coming back for more! 438-7980 7279 Rochester Rd Lockport OPEN 9AM-1AM OPEN 11AM-8PM 15 Locust Street Downtown Lockport 2 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR conveniencE 434-6667 Order online at sub-delicious.com We deliver! HYDRAULIC SALES & SERVICE IVERSE ECHNOLOGIES Butch Gedraitis over 40 years experience 8539 Ertman Rd. Lockport, NY 14094 Pumps • Motors Valves • Cylinders 716-542-4129 Member To Serve And Strengthen Agriculture ROBERTS ROOFING & SIDING 716-433-2883 6279 Ridge Rd (Rt 104) Lkpt SPECIALIZING IN: For 4 Generations • Since 1940 Another Great Job By: ROOFING SIDING and www.robertsroofingandsiding.com Fully Licensed and Insured FREE ESTIMATES ALLBREED HIDDEN FENCING www.dogobey.com 716-434-8959 Don’t Complain... Train & Contain #1 SMOKE SHOP ON THE RESERVATION Open Daily We Are More Than a Smoke Shop! 7 am - 11 pm 449 SHANKS RD., BASOM, NY 14013 | (716) 542-4169 D (716) 433-3331 6312 Robinson Rd. Lockport MANICURES $ 20 6312 Robinson Rd. PEDICURES $ 25 ON $ 18 WAXES SAVE $ 3 NOW OPEN MONDAYS 11-4 Mon 11-4 Tues 10-8 Wed 10-6 Thurs 10-7 Fri 10-4 • Sat 9-3 Closed Sunday ‘til June 19th ‘til June 19th ‘til June 19th FULLY LICENSED & INSURED Heating & Cooling 716-439-4822 www.theplumberheatingandcooling.com FULLY LICENSED & INSURED LEAVE THE PLUMBING TO US! 0 % Interest and no payments up to 24 months on all products and service Must be presented at time of service. Not valid with any other offer. Gurarantee applies only if recommended service has been performed. Expires 5/30/23 $50 off ANY AIR CONDTIONER MAINTENANCE • REPAIR $77 off ANY SEWER OR DRAIN CLEANING Must be presented at time of service. Not valid with any other offer. Gurarantee applies only if recommended service has been performed. Expires 5/30/23 $50 off ANY AIR CONDTIONER ANY SEWER OR DRAIN CLEANING $77 off Must be presented at time of service. Not valid with any other offer. Gurarantee applies only if recommended service has been performed. Expires 5/30/23 Must be presented at time of service. Not valid with any other offer. Gurarantee applies only if recommended service has been performed. Expires 5/30/23 $150 off INSTALLATION OF BACK UP WATER PUMP TANKLESS WATER HEATERS $250 off OR $123 OFF REPLACEMENT OF A STANDARD HOT WATER TANK (RESIDENTIAL ONLY) $150 off $250 off INSTALLATION OF BACK UP WATER PUMP TANKLESS WATER HEATERS $ $ DON’T BE A DIPSTICK! OIL CHANGE, LUBE & FILTER $ 5 OFF MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF SERVICE COUPON 716-434-7370 ENTER CODE : TIDBITS TO GET FIRST MONTH AT HALF PRICE 5673 S. Transit Lockport TRANSIT CAR WASH & EXPRESS LUBE FROM $1595 per month GO TO + tax CONVENTIONAL or SYNTHETIC TRANSITCARWASH.CLUB TO ENROLL UNLIMITED WASHESCOUPON EVERY TUESDAY IS VETERAN’S DAY 5 ¢ENTS OFF AT THE PUMP WITH A VETERAN ID TONAWANDA SENECA INDIAN NATION 409 BLOOMINGDALE ROAD, AKRON 716-542-1073 • 716-542-4949 THE BEST DAMN GAS STATION IN TOWN! WE SELL ANY PROPANE SIZE! SHOP OUR STORE! • TONAWANDA FROG JUICE • BAGGED ICE • BBQ SAUCE RIVER RAT CHEESE (OVER 40 VARIETIES!) • ICE CREAM • MAPLE SYRUP • AND MORE! FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED 716-614-ROOF offi ce • 716-612-ROOF mobile [emailprotected] www.healingconstruction.com EMERGENCY ROOFING SERVICE * $1,000 OFF or * FREE gutters *$1000 OFF or FREE gutters (up to $1000) offer for complete roofi ng system TIDBITS® LOOKS INTO LOVE AND MARRIAGE by Kathy Wolfe June is traditionally the most popular month to marry, with approximately 10.8% of couples wedding this month. This week, Tidbits explores the reasons why, as well as some facts about love and marriage. • According to the 1954 song “June Bride” from the musical “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”: “Oh, they say when you marry in June, you’re a bride all your life, and the bridegroom who marries in June gets a sweetheart for a wife.” • The month of June was named for the Roman goddess Juno. Juno was associated with all facets of the lives of women, but especially marriage and childbearing. The ancient Romans believed that couples who married in June would be blessed with happiness and prosperity. • In U.S. colonial days, Wednesday was considered the luckiest day for weddings, and Friday was shunned as the “hangman’s day.” Sunday was popular because it was the only day people were free from work, but the Puritans of the turn the page for more! Week of June 18th 2023 Volume 7, Issue #50 e-mail: [emailprotected] website: www.tidbitsofniagararegion.com To Place an Ad Call 716.807.7729 or 716.957.0836 Published by Toby Publishing, Inc. Of Niagara Region The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read®

Unscrambled on Page 8 Solution Puzzle on Page 8 BY HENRY BOLTINOFF Differences on page 7 Solution Puzzle on Page 8 Solution Puzzle on Page 8 For General Public Use Serving Niagara County Handicapped Accessible Route Info: 716-285-9357 www.niagaracounty.com/bus LIKE US ON 2370 Lockport-Olcott Rd. Newfane, New York 14108 716-628-3755 Creekside Hair Studio* Kathy Weaver ~ Stylist & Owner ~ Let Creekside help make style shine YOUR Summertime Styling 7145 Fieldcrest Drive Lockport, NY 14094 All are welcome to the table. . . . Services celebrated on Sundays 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Christ Episcopal Church corner of Fieldcrest and Rt. 31 across from Tops Market For more information, please call the offi ce 716-433-9229 SPACE AVAILABLE CALL 716-807-7729 CALL 716-807-7729 LOVE AND MARRIAGE (cont’d): 1600s turned away from this, considering it improper to be celebratory on the Sabbath. In those early days, only an unmarried woman could be the maid of honor, and only the groom’s brother, best friend, or father could serve as best man. • The never-ending circle of a wedding ring is a symbol of eternity since it has no beginning or end. Diamond engagement rings date their origins back to the 15th century when Archduke Maximilian of Austria gifted a diamond to his fiancé Mary of Burgundy in 1477, and the tradition of presenting the brilliant and sparkly gem became tradition. Rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand because of an old belief that a vein in that finger leads directly to the heart. • You’ve heard the rhyme “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” What is the symbolism behind these four things? Something old signifies continuity and stability, while something new represents optimism and good fortune in the couple’s new life together. Something borrowed is a symbol of borrowed happiness from someone who loves you. Wearing a touch of blue is said to bring a bride good fortune as well as symbolizing love and fidelity. • The trend of brides wearing a white dress was started by Queen Victoria in 1840 when she wore a white wedding dress to wed Prince Albert. Prior to that, brides just wore their best dress. How about veils? The ancient Greeks and Romans began this tradition because they believed the veil protected the bride from evil spirits. Speaking of evil spirits, the groom carries his bride across the threshold to gallantly protect her from those spirits prowling below. • Wedding guests have been tossing rice at the newlyweds for centuries. This practice is a symbol of a wish for fertility and prosperity for the happy couple. The ancient Romans used wheat, while the tradition in eastern India is a rain of flower petals. The Polish use rice but (continued on the next page) Tidbits® Page 2 of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729 172 Robinson St. N. Tonawanda 716-545-6102 | www.TheOldChapelMarket.com The Old Chapel Antique & Artisan Market Located in the former Ascension Church This Historic Landmark is over 6500 sq. ft., featuring a mix of antiques, handmade artisan goods, gifts, decor and much more! Open 7 days a week 10-6pm OVER 150 VENDORS

Answers on Page 7 Q: What kind of vehicles do Disney characters drive? A: Minnie-vans 1. 3 2. “Peter Pan’s Flight” 1. Disneyland Paris 2. Frontierland 3. The Monorail 4. Space Mountain 5. Fantasyland David Hasselhoff 7/17/52 Vin Diesel 7/18/67 Vikki Carr 7/19/41 Carlos Santana 7/20/47 Jon Lovitz 7/21/57 Selena Gomez 7/22/92 Daniel Radcliffe 7/23/89 Home of “Mission to Mars,” “Space Mountain,” and “Finding Nemo Voyage” 3rd Quarter 2016 Week 30 Looking for a natural weed killer for your garden? White vinegar is an effective and earth-friendly broadleaf weed killer, as is lemon juice. You can also apply a strong salt water solution to those pesky weeds that appear in the cracks of your driveway or sidewalk pavers. July 17 Wrong Way Corrigan Day July 18 Chrysanthemum Day July 19 Flitch Day July 20 National Lollipop Day July 21 Get to Know Your Customers Day July 22 Spoonerism Day July 23 National Day of the Cowboy 1.How many hotels are operated on the Disneyland grounds, owned by Disney? 2.Name the only Disneyland ride to hang from the ceiling? 1.Name the most visited theme park in all of Europe. 2.What part of Disneyland contains the “Big Thunder Mountain Railroad” and “Tom Sawyer Island”? 3.What is the name of the transportation system throughout Disneyland? 4.What ride beings in Space Port where guests board a rocket? 5.Where would a visitor find “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” and “Peter Pan’s Flight”? “What youngster has not dreamed of flying with Peter Pan over moonlit London, or tumbling into Alice’s nonsensical Wonderland?” -- Walt Disney TOMORROWLAND RLOOTDOANWM A second California Disney theme park, California Adventure, opened in 2001 on the site that had functioned as Disneyland’s parking lot for over 40 years. Did you hear about the family who got stuck on Peter Pan’s Flight for over 3 hours? Apparently, their vehicle would nevernever land. Walt Disney has received more Academy Awards and nominations than any other person in history – 22 Awards and 59 nominations between 1932 and 1969. Solution puzzle on page 7 BASKET BEACH BOARDWALK BREEZY BRIGHT COASTAL CRASHING FOAM LAUGHTER MARINE OCEAN RELAXATION RIPTIDE SAIL SANDCASTLE SANDY SEAWEED SUNGLASSES SURFING SWIMMING SWIMSUIT TAN UMBRELLA UNDERTOW SUN & SAND WORD SEARCH Answer on page 7 PAW’S CORNER By Sam Mazzotta 1. MOVIES: Which actor voiced the character of Darth Vader in the first three “Star Wars” movies released? 2. TELEVISION: Which was the first TV show to react to the 9/11 attack on the United States? 3. LITERATURE: Who is the youngest person to win the Nobel Prize for literature? 4. HISTORY: Which city did Anne Frank and her family live in hiding before they were discovered? 5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the tallest breed of dog? 6. FOOD & DRINK: What is considered the national dish of Spain? 7. GEOGRAPHY: Which is the only city that also is the smallest country in the world? 8. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which holiday is considered the Jewish New Year? 9. ANATOMY: What are the bones in the fingers called? 10. ASTRONOMY: How many primary phases of the moon exist? (c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-year-old cat Ella has gotten very clingy lately. She was always fairly independent and preferred to lounge atop the sofa and watch the world outside the window. Now she refuses to do that. She runs to greet me at the door, meows nonstop until I feed her and then wants to climb into my lap the instant I sit down. She also begs to come into the bedroom and curl up at the end of the bed next to my feet. I know this sounds just darling, but it’s unusual behavior from her. What’s your advice? -- Susan W., Burlington, Vermont DEAR SUSAN: It’s interesting that Ella’s behavior has changed so noticeably, so fast. Has anything changed in the home environment, like you have a new work schedule, or moved furniture around, or added (or lost) a human family member? Also, has anything about Ella’s health changed? Does she have any underlying condition that might be getting worse? Check with the vet to be sure. If neither environment nor health are the problem, you can try to enforce some rules to alter Ella’s behavior. -- Boredom: Make sure you play with Ella more often each day. The clingy behavior may be a request for additional attention. -- Boundaries: Don’t change feeding times just because Ella demands it. And don’t let her into the bedroom if you don’t want her there. Keep the door shut. -- Bribery: Well, not really bribes, but positive reinforcement. When Ella goes to her old lounging spot, reward her with praise or a treat. Don’t give her treats when she’s in your lap; instead, lead her away and give a treat to her elsewhere. Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@ pawscorner.com. (c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. Answers on page 7 THE CAT CLINGS TOO MUCH Solution below puzzle It is amazing how nice people are to you when they know you are going away. — Michael Arlen 33 Smoke Shop 5843 S. Transit Rd. Lockport, NY 14094 (716) 201-1072 CBD, Delta 8, Kratom, Glass Pipes Best Prices in Town! 6865 South Transit Rd. Lockport, NY 14094 716-625-8877 Mantelli Trailer Sales, Inc. NEW & USED: CAMPING, TRAVEL TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Stop by TODAY or visit us online at: Helping to make memories for a lifetime www.mantelli.com LOVE AND MARRIAGE (cont’d): add coins to the ground at the couple’s feet. Environmentally-friendly alternatives include bird seed, dried flowers, or herbs. • At many Italian weddings, the bride and groom each break a glass. According to legend, the number of shards of glass is equal to the number of happy years the couple will have. • In ancient times, a dowry was paid to the parents of the bride, usually animals, land, and cash, with the first recorded dowry exchanged in 3,000 B.C. For centuries, wedding gifts from guests wasn’t a common tradition. But in 1924, Macy’s Department Store came up with the idea of a gift registry. Couples picked china patterns, silverware, crystal, linens, and household appliances, registering to inform friends and family of their preferences. Other department stores were quick to jump on the bandwagon, and wedding gifts became the norm. • In the U.S., the average age of a bride is about 25, while the average for men is about 28 years old. One-third of annual marriages take place between couples with one person having been married previously. Although outdoor weddings and destination weddings are on the rise, about 80% of weddings take place in a church or synagogue. The average number of wedding guests is about 180. • How do people meet a prospective partner? According to surveys, close to 70% of relationships start from long-term friendships. About 7% meet through their family, while 11% of people meet their marriage partners at church, 40% through friends, while 15% meet at work. 9% meet through events related to their personal interests, such as going to the gym. Just 2% of men form a relationship with someone they meet at a bar, with that statistic at 9% for women. For those who meet at parties, 17%- 25% will result in a short-term relationship (continued on the next page) Tidbits® For advertising rates call 716.807.7729 of Niagara Region Page 3

“Falling in love is like going deep into a river. It is much easier to get in it than it is to get out of it.” Q: What kind of vehicles do Disney characters drive? A: Minnie-vans 1. 3 2. “Peter Pan’s Flight” 1. Disneyland Paris 2. Frontierland 3. The Monorail 4. Space Mountain 5. Fantasyland David Hasselhoff 7/17/52 Vin Diesel 7/18/67 Vikki Carr 7/19/41 Carlos Santana 7/20/47 Jon Lovitz 7/21/57 Selena Gomez 7/22/92 Daniel Radcliffe 7/23/89 Home of “Mission to Mars,” “Space Mountain,” and “Finding Nemo Voyage” 3rd Quarter 2016 Week 30 Looking for a natural weed killer for your garden? White vinegar is an effective and earth-friendly broadleaf weed killer, as is lemon juice. You can also apply a strong salt water solution to those pesky weeds that appear in the cracks of your driveway or sidewalk pavers. July 17 Wrong Way Corrigan Day July 18 Chrysanthemum Day July 19 Flitch Day July 20 National Lollipop Day July 21 Get to Know Your Customers Day July 22 Spoonerism Day July 23 National Day of the Cowboy 1.How many hotels are operated on the Disneyland grounds, owned by Disney? 2.Name the only Disneyland ride to hang from the ceiling? 1.Name the most visited theme park in all of Europe. 2.What part of Disneyland contains the “Big Thunder Mountain Railroad” and “Tom Sawyer Island”? 3.What is the name of the transportation system throughout Disneyland? 4.What ride beings in Space Port where guests board a rocket? 5.Where would a visitor find “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” and “Peter Pan’s Flight”? “What youngster has not dreamed of flying with Peter Pan over moonlit London, or tumbling into Alice’s nonsensical Wonderland?” -- Walt Disney TOMORROWLAND RLOOTDOANWM A second California Disney theme park, California Adventure, opened in 2001 on the site that had functioned as Disneyland’s parking lot for over 40 years. Did you hear about the family who got stuck on Peter Pan’s Flight for over 3 hours? Apparently, their vehicle would nevernever land. Walt Disney has received more Academy Awards and nominations than any other person in history – 22 Awards and 59 nominations between 1932 and 1969. BEST OVER-THE-COUNTER HEARING AIDS FOR OLDER ADULTS Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend some good over-the-counter hearing aids for seniors on a budget? I’m not sure what to get or where to buy them. Hard of Hearing Dear Hard, The new FDA approved over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids that hit the market last October have become a very attractive alternative to millions of older Americans with hearing impairment. These new hearing aids can be purchased at pharmacies, consumer electronics stores or online without a hearing exam, prescription, or appointment with an audiologist. And the savings are significant. The average cost of an OTC hearing aid is about $1,600 per pair, which is about $3,000 less than the average price of a prescription hearing aid. But sorting through all the different options and styles can be confusing. Here are some tips along with a reliable resource that can help you choose the right aid for you. Check Your Hearing Your first step to getting a hearing aid is to get your hearing tested. Be aware that OTC hearing aids are designed only for people with mild to moderate hearing loss (signs include trouble hearing speech in noisy places, in groups, and during phone calls). The best place to get your hearing tested is through a hearing care provider like an audiologist. These in-person tests are usually covered by private medical insurance, and as of this year, Medicare will pay for general hearing evaluations without a doctor’s referral. You can also assess your hearing at home with a good app-based hearing test like Mimi (mimi.health) or SonicCloud (soniccloud.com). If you find through your test that you have severe hearing loss (signs include being unable to hear spoken words even in a quiet room or trouble hearing loud music or power tools) then OTC aids aren’t the right solution for you. You’ll probably need a prescription hearing aid, which you must get through an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist. Choosing an OTC Aid If you decide that an OTC hearing aid may work for you, here are a couple pointers to help you choose. First, you need to know that OTC hearing aids come in two types: self-fitting and preset. Self-fitting aids typically use a smartphone app to setup and adjust the device to suit your specific hearing needs, which makes them better suited for seniors who are technologically inclined. While preset hearing aids are much simpler devices that come with a number of set programs for different levels of hearing loss, and the controls are directly on the hearing aid. Also, because OTC hearing aids have a learning curve, it’s very important to know the level of customer support you’ll have access to. So, before you buy, find out how long the company provides support after your OTC HEARING AID (cont’d) (cont’d at top of next column under United Healthcare ad) purchase, and what sorts of experts will be providing the support. You also need to find out about the company’s return policy. It can take weeks to get accustomed to wearing hearing aids and figure out whether they’re really working for you or not. So, make sure to choose a brand that offers a minimum 30-day free trial period, or money back return policy. Best OTC Hearing Aids To help you cut through all the different options the National Council on Aging (NCOA), which is a national nonprofit organization that advocates for older Americans, recently assembled a review team who collectively spent more than 5,000 hours researching, testing and interviewing customers about OTC hearing aids. They came up with a list of nine winners based on such criteria as affordability, style and fit. Their best OTC hearing aids for 2023 in their nine categories include: • Best for Seniors: Jabra Enhance (jabraenhance. com) • Best Invisible Fit: Eargo (eargo.com) • Most User-Friendly: Lexie (lexiehearing.com) • Most Affordable: Audien (audienhearing.com) • Most Financing Options: Audicus (audicus.com) • Best Remote Customer Service: MDHearing (mdhearingaid.com) • Best Rechargeable for the Money: Go Hearing (gohearing.com) • Best Variety: Lucid (lucidhearing.com) • Best Earbud-Style: Sony (electronics.sony.com) To learn more, see NCOA.org/adviser/hearing-aids/ best-otc-hearing-aids. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Answer on Page 7 Spring & Fall Clean ups • Mulch Installation • Lawn Mowing Shrub Trimming • Landscape Beds • Redefining Snowplowing • Snowblowing • Salting Carmelo Cordero 716.715.8918 FREE ESTIMATES [emailprotected] CHOOSING WITH CONFIDENCE! the Right Plan from the right Company with your own personal Agent Committed to providing you individual support and superior service Paul Post 716-341-7902 Licensed Sales Agent For an appt. in the comfort of your own home give me a call Walk-In’s also: Each Tues, YMCA 10am--noon • Each Thurs, Dale Association 10am--noon Aug.5 Sept.30 Sept.30 SCAN CODE TO LEARN MORE! www.NiagaraHospice.org/Special-Events 2023 Events • and More! 716-439-8100 www.ChristianHomeCompanions.com • [emailprotected] “In home help from the heart” Serving Northern Erie & Niagara Counties Always Looking for Part-Time Compassionate Caregivers Seniors New Moms Convalescents • Transportation • Meal Prep • Laundry • Light Housekeeping and More! “In home help from the heart” Serving Northern Erie & Niagara Counties Always Looking for Part-Time Compassionate Caregivers (716) 625-8100 www.ChristianHomeCompanions.com • [emailprotected] Seniors New Moms Convalescents Alzheimer’s Special Care Center JUNIPER GLEN Take a personalized tour of our beautiful community – Dignifi ed Care 716-428-5399 – Standalone Memory Care Community – Hands on Administration Convenient Location 8820 Transit Rd. East Amherst, NY 14051 Alzheimer’s Special Care Center Now welcoming new residents – Standalone Memory Care Community JuniperGlenRet.com Aftershave Barbershop 8403 Rochester Rd Gasport, NY 14067 716-772-6040 • Haircuts • Skin fades • Shaves • Beard trims • Chair facials For That Old-Fashioned Shave Specializing in STRAIGHT EDGE M, T, F, 9:30 am - 5 pm Thurs 10:30 am - 7 pm Sat 9:30 am - 2 pm Closed Sun & Wed Abby, Owner/Master Barber BOOK ONLINE THANK YOU FOR 1 YEAR IN BUSINESS! LOVE AND MARRIAGE (cont’d): • What about online dating? According to statistics, one in five relationships begin online and one in six marriages. Those who meet online get married sooner, most likely because a lot of information other couples collect about each other during courtship has already been gathered from the online profile before they actually meet. The majority of those using online dating sites are looking for marriage or a long-term relationship. • Research also indicates that marriages between those who met online are lasting longer than those who didn’t meet online. Online marriages are less likely to dissolve with the first year of marriage. The site eHarmony claims that their couples’ divorce rate is just 3.86%, compared to the national average of nearly 50%. • About 1% of relationships are formed through speed dating, a matchmaking event where a lot of single people come together and have quick conversations. The participants are divided into two groups – one group remains seated and the other rotates after each round. A round lasts anywhere between two and 10 minutes, with a typical evening consisting of 5 to 10 rounds. When the bell rings, the participants change and meet someone new. There is a lapse of a few minutes between rounds for people to mark a scorecard, determining an instant attraction or a lack of chemistry. • Between 1970 and 1990, the number of marriage counselors in the U.S. increased 50-fold. • A research poll’s results assert that 75% of married couples say they are happy at least three-quarters of the time, while 15% put that figure at half the time. About 5% say they are unhappy all of the time. • Long-married couples claim the secret to a blissful union is “communication, compromise, cooperation, and compassion.” Tidbits® Page 4 of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729

Solution on page 8 Solution Puzzle on Page 8 Silver Plate This silver on copper “bisquit jar” is a classic Victorian piece. It uses an old spelling for “biscuit,” a BritishEnglish term. In present day American English, we would call it a cookie jar. Silver and silver plate were popular in the Victorian era. Almost every type of food had its own specific serving dish or utensil made of silver. “Old Sheffield” refers to a special kind of silver plate made in Sheffield, England, in the 18th century. The silver was hand-rolled in sheets over copper. Most silver plate made in the 19th century is electroplated. This jar may not be Old Sheffield silver, but it was made in the city of Sheffield. It sold for $270 at a Selkirk auction. Its pelican hallmark identifies it as the work of Thomas Wilkinson’s firm, which received a Royal Warrant from Queen Victoria in the 1840s. * * * Q: When I was young, my mother made braided rugs from old wool coats. I braided the strips of fabric she created from the coats. Two large rugs that we made have been in daily use for 85 years and show very little wear. I am now 90. I might sell them and would like to know what they are worth. Do they have any resale value? A: There’s a rich history of braided rug making in the (continued in next column) Every food you might find on a Victorian table had its own silver-plated dish. This English silver-plated jar was used for cookies of “bisquits.” United States that began in the American colonies. The craft was inspired by Native American weaving techniques. The process is the same way the settlers recycled and repurposed worn clothing into rugs, giving them a new, useful purpose. Large handmade rugs similar to yours have recently sold for $65 to $175. * * * TIP: A “cut” autograph, one that’s on a small piece of plain paper, is more attractive to a buyer if it’s professionally matted with a photo of the player who signed it. * * * CURRENT PRICES Dinnerware, Iroquois Casual, bowl, vegetable, divided, indented handles on sides, yellow, Russel Wright, Steubenville Pottery, 1947-1967, 2 1/4 x 10 1/4 inches, $35. Coca-Cola vending machine, Drink Coca-Cola, Serve Yourself, metal, red, white letters, rectangular coin box with slot on top, 25 x 30 x 41 inches, $675. Pair of lamps, copper base, bulbous, tapered, banded, tapered shade with copper frame and mica panels, pull chain, Mica Lamp Co., 23 x 21 inches, pair, $750. Sterling-silver centerpiece bowl, asymmetric form, turned up edge, three short tapered feet, Modernist, Mexico, 20th century, 17 3/4 inches, $880. Advertising sign, Borden’s Ice Cream, lithographed tin, embossed, die cut strawberry ice cream cone, Elsie in daisy logo, 1900s, 59 x 35 inches, $1,250. Galle cameo glass vase, purple irises, cream shaded to yellow ground, bulbous, tapered, flared neck, signed Galle, c. 1900, 16 x 6 inches, $2,000. Looking to declutter, downsize or settle an estate? Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide 2022 by Terry and Kim Kovel has the resources you’re looking for. (c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. 512 Main Street Medina, New York 14103 585.798.5815 [emailprotected] Susan Fuller-owner The CHECKERED POPPY Antiques & Gifts 6515 Ridge Rd. • Lockport, NY 14094 • (716)696-2463 OPEN TUES-SAT 11am-6pm SUN 1pm-5pm checkeredpoppyantiquesandgifts.com The Checkered Poppy Antiques and Gifts 20% of each sale goes to benefi t people w/disabilities and veterans 50 vendors & growing Brenda Zimmerman PEOPLE WORTH REMEMBERING: MARTHA JANE CANNARY Fact or fiction? How much of the life about Martha Jane Cannary was true? How much was exaggerated? You be the judge as you read along about the rowdy and adventurous woman better known as Calamity Jane. • Martha Cannary (often spelled Canary) hailed from Missouri, born there in 1852. When she was 13, the family, which included her parents and five younger siblings, began a five-month long wagon train trip to a new home in Virginia City, Montana. Along the route, Martha became a good shot as she spent her days hunting with the men and gained a reputation of being somewhat of a daredevil astride a horse. • Martha’s mother succumbed to pneumonia almost immediately upon arrival in Montana. Her father packed up the family and headed to Utah, where he found work as a farmer. But the following year, he was dead as well, and 14-yearold Martha was now in charge of her siblings. Within months, she had resettled the family in Piedmont, Wyoming • Responsible for a family of six, Martha took on numerous jobs, including dishwasher, cook, waitress, ox team driver, nurse, and dance hall girl, and occasionally, jobs of less-than-reputable reputation. In 1870, she was awarded a job as a scout with General George Armstrong Custer, which was the beginning of her habit of masculine clothing. • After a brief stint as a Pony Express rider, she was ordered to the Black Hills in 1876 to help protect settlers and miners from hostile Natives, and on the journey to Deadwood, Martha met Wild Bill Hickock, who was traveling in the same wagon train. • Both Jane and Hickock were heavy drinkers and confirmed exaggerators, and struck up a friendship. But the friendship was short-lived as Hickock was shot in the head by Jack McCall in August of that year, as he sat at a gambling table. With a pair of eights and a pair of aces in his hand, his cards would be known forever as the “dead man’s hand.” • Calamity Jane married a Texan in 1885 and gave birth to a daughter two years later. Details are sketchy as to whether there was a second daughter. • Her horse-riding abilities and sharpshooting skills landed her a job with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show in 1895, and she gained fame traveling the Midwest; however, her frequent drunkenness led to termination. (continued on the next page) Tidbits® For advertising rates call 716.807.7729 of Niagara Region Page 5

Answers on page 7 of niagara region The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read® Published Weekly by: Toby Publishing, Inc. Lockport, NY 14094 For more information on being part of our next weekly issue / ad rates.... Call or Text us at: 716.807.7729 or 716.957.0836 e-mail us at: [emailprotected] Solution puzzle on page 8 1. The Buffalo Braves, an NBA franchise from 1970- 78, were a forerunner of what current NBA team? 2. On May 6, 1953, what pitcher for the St. Louis Browns threw a no-hitter in his first Major League start? 3. What Pro Football Hall of Fame defensive end helped the Baltimore Colts win NFL championships in 1958-59 and has his No. 89 retired by the Indianapolis Colts? 4. Name the German Formula One driver who was killed -- along with 15 spectators -- in a horrific crash at the 1961 Italian Grand Prix. 5. What team did Basketball Hall of Fame coach Dr. Jack Ramsay lead to the 1977 NBA championship? 6. What activist and writer cofounded the Institute for the Study of Sport and Society in 1970 and authored the book “The Athletic Revolution” in 1971? 7. Name the manager who guided the Toronto Blue Jays to consecutive World Series titles in 1992-93. c)2023 King Features Syndicate, Inc. Answers on page 8 Solution puzzle on page 8 Answers on page 8 Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Specialists 9720 Rochester Rd Middleport, NY 14105 phone: 716-735-3370 fax: 866-323-7402 Jeff Ulrich, President mobile phone: 716-622-9427 www.hydrofabwaterjet.com email: [emailprotected] Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Specialists 6035 S. Transit Rd. Lockport, NY 14094 The Village Manufactured Home Community LOTS AVAILABLE For more information on our community Contact Jeanie Swatsworth or Russell Swatsworth Jr. 716-434-6241 [emailprotected] Chris Jagielo Sales Manager GET $500 MORE! for your trade Toyota 716-625-8444 Volkswagon 716-625-4444 [emailprotected] 6179 S. Transit Road Lockport, NY 14094 www.basiltoyota.com BRING THIS AD IN AND SEE CHRIS MIRIAM RIVERA AGENCY INC Agency Owner Miriam Rivera Agency Inc 1038 LYELL AVE ROCHESTER, NY 14606 Offi ce 585-360-0094 Cell 585-360-8658 Fax 888-546-5157 [emailprotected] MIRIAM RIVERA AGENCY INC Full Line of Tobacco Products Friendly Professional Service CBD Products Pipes and Smoking Accessories Smoke Shop Full Line of Tobacco Products Friendly Professional Service CBD Products Pipes and Smoking Accessories Flyingheadsmokeshop 716-542-4000 [emailprotected] 750 Bloomingdale Rd. Tonawanda Indian Reservation SHEARING • BENDING • DRILLING • MACHINING New Steel (All Shapes & Sizes) - cut to size while you wait! Paints-Lubricants-Bolts & Fasteners Trailer Hitch Supplies 12551 Roosevelt Hwy (Rt 18) • Lyndonville, NY Hours: M-F 8-5; Sat 8-12 ~ Samuel Martin LAKE WINDS METALWORKING NEW WELDING & CUTTING GASES WORKS IN CONCRETE TOO 3038 Ewings Road Newfane, NY 14108 716.778.0026 [emailprotected] Come check it out or give us a call. Pick up and delivery are available. 9 to 6 Mon. through Sat., Sunday 10 to 5 Large selection of vegetables, annuals, hanging baskets, herbs, and perennials MARTHA JANE CANNARY (cont’d): • Jane penned an autobiography in 1896, filled with embellished and perhaps completely fabricated stories of her adventures. A fellow Wild West Show performer said that Calamity Jane “never saw a lynching and never was in an Indian fight. She was simply a notorious character, dissolute and devilish, but possessed a generous streak which made her popular.” She did indeed have a reputation of being kind and charitable, including nursing many back to health during a smallpox plague in Deadwood. • Seven years after her publication, Jane’s final job was doing the laundry in a South Dakota house of ill repute. Dead broke and ravaged by alcoholism, the hard-drinking, tobacco-spitting, cussing Calamity Jane died in a shabby hotel room near Deadwood. Her last request was honored – to be buried next to gunfighter Wild Bill Hickock in the Deadwood Cemetery. Tidbits® Page 6 of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES 1. Mickey Rooney 2. Arranged 3. The Philippines and Vatican City 4. 25 5. 6% Jerry’s Loose Threads Kustom Upholstery, Tops, Boats Jerry Chambers Owner 2800 Beebe Road Newfane, NY 14108 716-628-8503 [emailprotected] 1. Red 2. One year When Britain’s Prince William married Kate Middleton in 2011, guests were asked to donate to charities rather than give a wedding gift to the young couple. Son: “Daddy, why are all those cars beeping their horns?” Father: “Because there’s a wedding going on.” Son: “Oh, I thought the horn is used as a warning signal.” Father: “Exactly, Son.” Ice Cube Answer 1. Sign is missing. 2. Window opening differs. 3. Container is missing. 4. Sleeve is shorter. 5. Buttons are missing. 6. Title differs. Differences Solution puzzle on page 8 Answers 1. James Earl Jones 2. “The West Wing” 3. Rudyard Kipling 4. Amsterdam 5. Great Dane 6. Paella 7. Vatican City 8. Rosh Hashanah 9. Phalanges 10. Four a) 11 years, b) 20 years, c) 50 years, d) 500 years www.schwabsfarm.com 716.735.7570 [emailprotected] ASPARAGUS Schwab Farm Market 9035 Rochester Rd. • Gasport, NY 14067 (Rt. 31, between Gasport & Middleport) Schwab Farm Market GREENHOUSE OPEN Rhubarb Strawberry Rhubarb Raspberry • Cherry PIES RUBY FROST EVERCRISP PLUMBING NEED WORK DONE? BEST PRICES AROUND! 10% DISCOUNT FOR ALL NO JOB TOO SMALL 716603-0327 em. # 716-448-8967 The English Rose Tea Shoppe Everything you need to make a great cuppa tea 527 Main Street, Medina, NY (585) 798-4410 any regular priced item Cindy Robinson Proprietor 20% OFF w/this ad Limit 1 coupon per visit TOBACCO PRODUCTS & ACCESSORIES GROCERIES • NATIVE ART OPEN EVERY DAY 7AM-10PM 716-542-7122 672 BLOOMINGDALE RD., BASOM, NY 14013 OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK REGULAR • NON ETHANOL • DRIVE THRU BIG RIG EASY IN & OUT • DIESEL • PROPANE • Native Cigarettes • Tobacco Products • Snacks • Drinks • Jewelry • Crafts • CBD Edibles, Creams & Oils • Vape Products 716-542-4006 • janssmokeshopii.com 383 Bloomingdale Rd. • Tonawanda Indian Reservation • Akron, NY Restaurant Open: Mon & Thurs 8am-4pm • Fri 8am-7pm • Sat & Sun 7am-3pm CREDIT CARDS If you have a credit card, you’re part of the 70% of Americans who own at least one card. Here’s your opportunity to learn more about this method of spending. • Before there were actual credit cards, in the early 1900s, major department stores such as Macy’s and Marshall Field offered credit to their best customers. This was in the form of paper or brass tokens which the customer would present to the clerk, leave with their purchases, and pay for by the end of the month. By 1929, credit sales amounted to 50% of total sales in stores that offered it. • In late 1949, businessman Frank McNamara was entertaining clients at a New York City restaurant when he realized he didn’t have his wallet. After being bailed out by his wife, McNamara determined that he would never be caught without a means of payment again. A few short months later, he and his attorney had established the Diners Club Card, a cardboard card that could be used in New York restaurants. At first, it was accepted by 28 restaurants and two hotels, but was soon expanded to include numerous hotels, car rentals, and flower shops. By the end of the year, Diners Club had 20,000 members, each paying an annual membership of $5.00. The following year, there were 42,000 cardholders. It was a requirement that the balance be paid in full each month. • In 1951, New York’s Franklin National Bank got in the game with a multi-purpose card. When they realized that they couldn’t make money by merely charging fees to merchants for each card purchase, Franklin allowed customers to carry debt over with an interest charge. • Bank of America launched its BankAmericard in 1958 by sending out mass mailings of cards (continued on the next page) Tidbits® For advertising rates call 716.807.7729 of Niagara Region Page 7

Looking for a simple environmentally-friendly multisurface cleaner? Equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle is a natural way to clean your home. You can cleanse the walls of your shower with full-strength to get rid of soap scum, then pour vinegar down the drains to clean your pipes. (Allow the vinegar to sit for 30 minutes before flushing with cold water.) Clean your dishwasher by pouring ½ cup of vinegar into the soap dispenser then running a cycle. PUZZLE answers SPORTS QUIZ ANSWERS 1. The Los Angeles Clippers 2. Bobo Holloman 3. Gino Marchetti 4. Wolfgang von Trips 5. The Portland Trail Blazers 6. Jack Scott 7. Cito Gaston 4419 Military Rd. | Niagara Falls | 716-297-3060 Mon & Tues 10-5 • Wed & Thurs 10-7 • Fri & Sat 10-5 • Sun 10-4 Furniture & Interiors formerly Scott Furniture 18 MONTHS 0% FINANCING UP TO COME SEE US for your BEAR BOTTOM PRICE on LA-Z-BOY FURNITURE 672 Bloomingdale Road Basom, NY 14013 716-542-7122 LOCKPORT ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL JUNE 24th & 25th 11 AM - 5 PM MAIN STREET LOCKPORT, NY 14094 47TH ANNUAL SPONSORED BY OPTIMIST CLUB OF LOCKPORT CREDIT CARDS (continued): to anyone who did business with them in California, about 2 million cards. • In 1966, BankAmericard went national as the country’s first licensed general-purpose credit card. Ten years later, the card was renamed Visa. • We might refer to paying with a credit card as “using plastic,” but they were all cardboard until 1959, when American Express issued the first plastic credit card. • Master Charge was introduced in 1966 by a group of banks. More and more banks began issuing credit cards during the 1960s, using the mass mailing approach, sending cards to millions of prospective customers. Finally, in 1970, legislation was passed in the form of the Unsolicited Credit Card Act, which prohibited banks from sending active cards to anyone who hadn’t requested one. • The Discover card was launched in 1985 by Sears, the largest retailer in the United States at the time. Discover offered an innovative concept – no annual fee, higher-than-normal credit, and a cash-back bonus, in which a percentage of total purchases was refunded to the cardholder. • IBM engineer Forrest Parry revolutionized the function of credit cards when he invented the magnetic strip card in 1960. In the mid-1990s, the three credit card giants, Visa, MasterCard, and Europay, jointly introduced the first chipbased credit card. Designed to improve payment security above the magnetic strip cards, small microchips were embedded in the card to gather and store data between merchants, (continued in next column) CREDIT CARDS (continued): customers, and banks. With each purchase, the chip generates an encrypted code unique to the transaction. • In 1970, just 16% of American families held a bank credit card. By 1998, that figure had risen to more than 65%. There are more than 1 billion active credit cards in the U.S. Average balance on a credit card exceeds $5,800. During the final quarter of 2022, total credit card debt in America reached a record $930.6 billion. Tidbits® Page 8 of Niagara Region For advertising rates call 716.807.7729

Volume 7 Issue 50 - Flip eBook Pages 1-8 (2025)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.